Small Size Vertical Oil-fired Boilers, up to 6.5 t/h, working pressure up to 7 bar, delivered with pressure atomizing burner or rotary cup burner:

  • LSK, pin tube type

  • LSH, water tube type

  • LHG, smoke tube type

Small Size Horizontal Oil-fired Boilers, up to 10 t/h, working pressure up to 7 bar, delivered with pressure atomizing burner or rotary cup burner or steam atomizing burner:

  • WHG, smoke tube type

Large Size Vertical Oil-fired Boilers, up to 35 t/h, working pressure up to 20 bar, delivered with rotary cup burner or steam atomizing burner:

  • LSK, pin tube type

  • LSH, water tube type

Vertical Composite Boilers, up to 6.5 t/h, working pressure up to 10 bar, delivered with pressure atomizing burner or rotary cup burner:

  • ZYC, water-smoke tube type

  • LYF, smoke-smoke tube type  

  • ZYS, pin- tube-smoke tube type  

Horizontal Composite Boilers, up to 6.5 t/h, working pressure up to 10 bar, delivered with pressure atomizing burner or rotary cup burner:

  • ZYW, smoke-smoke tube type

Vertical Exhaust Gas Boilers, capacity depends on exhaust gas data:

  • GFL or LF, smoke tube type (with steam space or without steam space)

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